Whirl-Pak® Bags

Tools Used in the Sampling Process

Specific tools are needed to analyze the samples taken during the sampling process. Select one of the tools below to learn more about it, including when and where it is used during the Sampling Process.

Whirl-Pak® Bags ​​

In order to properly analyze a sample during quality control, it is important to ensure that the sample is securely stored so that it will not become contaminated or degrade during storage. Improper sample storage and handling can skew quality control results. Whirl-Pak® bags are sterilized sampling bags that are an industry standard in many industries. In addition to being sterile and preventing leakage and degradation, many bags are free from enzymes that may degrade molecule samples like DNA. During a typical brewing sampling plan, Whirl-Pak® bags are used to sample material during the heat ex phase in order to test wort stability.
