
Apply for Funding 

​Call for project proposals opens early January 2025. 

Funds will be given to support academic research in brewing science that is conducted at a not-for-profit academic institution (domestic and international) and preference will be given to projects that benefit ASBC membership. ASBC Members that are either principal investigators or students may apply. Membership in ASBC is required. 

Project Topics Accepted​

  • Malt-Derived Thiols and Flavor Compounds

  • Malt flavor compounds and Sensory Perception

  • In-process measurement of malt quality in germination by modern analytical technology

  • Non-Alcoholic (NA) beer with a focus on microbial safety and sensory

  • Hop smoked taint

  • Hop/yeast biotransformation

  • Sustainable agriculture, malting and brewing

  • Haze stability

  • Next Generation Beverages and alternative ingredients 

  • Transformations in Laboratory Techniques

Eligibility and Application Requirements

Membership in ASBC is required. Members who are either principal investigators or students may apply for funding. Review accepted project topics accepted, application requirements, and budget guidelines prior to submitting your proposal. Project proposals are accepted through February 21, 2025

Application Requirements

​​​Complete the online application form and upload the following items as one (1) PDF document:

  • ​Project Title

  • Project Introduction (250 words or less)

  • Project Objectives

  • Project Timeline (no more than 3 pages)

  • Publication/Communication Plan of Results

  • Budget Proposal (include total amount requesting, as well as any other potential matching funds)

  • Contact information of additional entities providing funding.​​

Budget Guidelines

Funds may be used for the following:

  • Student/investigator wages

  • Analytical Services (in-house or outsourced)

  • Consumables

  • Approved travel (up to $2,000)

  • Funds are not to be used for the purchase of capital equipment over $2,500

  • No indirect costs allowed

Review Criteria

Project submissions will be reviewed by the ASBC Research Council​ based on the following criteria:

  • Introduction & Literature Review: Provides a clear and thorough introduction and background. 

  • Purpose and Objectives: States a specific testable research question.

  • Value to ASBC Membership: Cleary addresses a gap in current knowledge or clearly identifies a method or solution valuable to the ASBC membership. 

  • Methodology: Provides a clear explanation of the proposed experimental methods. 

  • Innovation/Novelty​: Incorporates specific innovative technologies/disruptive ideas/emerging trends in the approach. 

  • Argument Structure: Provides a strong, clear, convincing conclusions why the proposed method should be used and evidence (i.e. relevant examples to support the conclusions). 

  • Feasibility​: The equipment is available and the timeline for conducting the proposed experiment, with subject matter expertise. 


Call for sponsors opens
January 2025
​Call for project proposals opens 
​February 21
Deadline for project proposals and sponsorships confirmed for FY25

Feb 24 - March 14​​

Project submissions reviewed by Research Council and recommendations submitted to ASBC Board of Directors

March 20
​ASBC Board of Directors approves projects to fund for FY25
March 31
​FY25 funds distributed (fiscal year end)​
Spring 2025

Funded projects announced to ASBC membership

August 13-15 ​​ASBC Research Council Special Session at Brewing Summit 2025​

  *timeline subject to change​

​Questions? Contact ASBC.​​

Previous Funded Projects and Sponsors

Thanks to the support of our Research Council Sponsors, the ASBC Research Council has supported numerous projects since 2018.

View Funded Projects​​​​​​