These recommendations provide tools to help members, speakers, and society leaders successfully share industry information, society news, and professional achievements with your personal connections and the wider ASBC social network.
Check out our social media post
templates for best practices!
1. Join/follow the official ASBC accounts on all of the social media platforms you use:
2. Keep your posts within the maximum character count of each social media platform (these include the quantity of all letters, spaces, and symbols):
- Twitter: 280 Characters
- Instagram: 2,200 Characters
- LinkedIn: 3,000 Characters
- Facebook: 63,206 Characters
3. Use our main hashtag #BrewingScience and any of the below ASBC hashtags that relate to the content in your post.
- #YYYYASBC (ex: #2023ASBC for the 2023 ASBC Meeting)
- #BrewingSummitYYYY (ex: #BrewingSummit2022)
- #WorldBrewingCongress
- #ASBCWorkshop
- #LabOnTheCheap
- #ASBCWebinar
- Content specific tags like #RawMaterials for the Raw Materials Symposium
Journal of ASBC
4. When you post relevant research, professional endeavors in the field, or wider industry information, use the hashtag #BrewingScience and tag ASBC to share it with our community:
Twitter group: @brewingchemists
Instagram: type @brewingchemists and select our account
LinkedIn: type "@American Society of Brewing Chemists" and select our name when it pops up
Facebook: type "@ASBC" or "@AmericanSocietyofBrewingChemists" and choose the group from the drop-down
5. Like and share/retweet content from official ASBC pages to your personal pages/accounts to amplify the message.
- Comment on and reply to posts and responses
- Link directly to the website URL of any ASBC source information (journal article, short course, webinar, landing page content, etc.)
- Consider using to shorten long links
6. Don’t forget about our online community,
ASBC Connect, a social tool for connecting directly to other members!
Set a weekly reminder to visit our community and reply to comments, add your expertise, and start new threads.
7. Contact for social media assistance at any time.
Social Media Post Templates
The following are templates to use/adapt when posting about various ASBC topics:
PLEASE NOTE: all examples are created for Twitter, adjust tags in line with the above information in #4 for posts on other social platforms.
Click here for social media templates and graphics used for the 2023 ASBC Meeting.
World Brewing Congress 2024 templates are now available!
Meeting Templates
Example: I just registered for @brewingchemists
[INSERT COURSE TITLE]! Learn more and register to join me in
[INSERT LOCATION AND DATE(S)] to learn about
[INSERT SHORT LINK] #BrewingScience
In practice: I just registered for @brewingchemists 2023 Quality Course! Learn more and register to join me in Fort Collins July 17–21 to learn about improving your quality program or setting up a lab from scratch. #BrewingScience
Speaker & Presenter:
Example: I’m looking forward to the @brewingchemists
[INSERT LOCATION AND DATE(S)]! I’m presenting on
[INSERT SESSION TITLE]. Register today to learn about
[INSERT SHORT LINK] #BrewingScience
In practice: I’m looking forward to the @brewingchemists 2023 Quality Course in Fort Collins July 17–21! I’m presenting on Brewing Chemistry Methods. Register today to learn everything you need to know to create a robust brewery quality program. #BrewingScience
Example: We are proud to support @brewingchemists by sponsoring the
[INSERT COURSE TITLE]. We can’t wait to connect with everyone in the #BrewingScience community on
[INSERT LOCATION]! Register now:
In practice: We are proud to support @brewingchemists by sponsoring the 2023 Quality Course. We can’t wait to connect with everyone in the #BrewingScience community on July 17–21 in Fort Collins! Register now:
Speaker & Presenter:
Example: I’m excited to present the @brewingchemists webinar
[INSERT DATE]! Register today to learn
[INSERT SHORT LINK] #BrewingScience
In practice: I’m excited to present the @brewingchemists webinar “Oxidation, Dissolved Oxygen, and the Traumatic Life of Your Beer After Leaving the Brewery” on April 17! Register today to learn how to minimize the impact of oxidation on the quality of your packaged beers: #BrewingScience
Example: Read "[INSERT PAPER TITLE]," my latest paper published in the @J_ASBC: #TheBestinBrewingScience
Example: Order my new book,
[INSERT BOOK TITLE]—available for purchase in the @BrewingChemists store at #ASBCBooks
Social Media Post Examples
The following social media posts are good examples of the above recommendations in practice.