Vincent Ulve (1), Leon Fyfe (2); (1) Pall GeneDisc Technologies, Bruz, France; (2) Pall Corporation, U.S.A.
Yeast, Fermentation, and Microbiology
Supplier Poster
Yeast detection and identification is a major concern for beverage
industries aiming for high-quality product delivery and brand
protection. The beverage industry needs a reliable method enabling rapid
decision-making as opposed to time-consuming conventional
microbiological methods. Implementation of the GeneDisc system,
utilizing real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology improves
both profitability and quality control management. The GeneDisc
technologies offer a highly flexible method to monitor yeast spoilage in
the beverage industry. The sample preparation is supported by a
universal and fast enrichment step of 28 hr, with two optional
filtration steps, prior to and/or after enrichment, enabling a
significantly increased level of sensitivity. A longer enrichment time
can be implemented for slow-growing microorganism detection. PCR
analysis run with the GeneDisc cycler is fast and extremely easy to use,
with an integrated inhibition control and automated data analysis to
obtain confident results. PCR detection is supported by a GeneDisc plate
allowing detection of yeast. For specific yeast identification, a
second GeneDisc plate is available, which is designed to detect the 12
major spoiler yeast species and/or genus associated simultaneously. This
GeneDisc plate can be used as a specific selective tool for spoilage
yeast identification in samples containing processing yeast and as a
very efficient tool for direct colony identification. The GeneDisc
method for yeast allows a next-day result for the major spoilage yeast.
Time to result, sensitivity and specificity are validated on challenging
samples with the main yeast spoilers present in the beverage industry.
Vincent Ulvé is a senior principal R&D scientist for Pall
GeneDisc Technologies, with five years of experience in biotechnology
and PCR development both in France and the United States. He has a Ph.D.
degree from the University of Rennes 1 and also has experience in
research in the food industry in the French National Institute for
Agricultural Research and International Dairy company, with work
published in several scientific journals and posters and oral
communications in international congress.