Yusuke Takemori (1),
Takaaki Hiraoka (1), Gregory King (1), Clifford Robert (2), Ryo Takechi
(2), Yuichi Yotsuyanagi (1); (1) Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan;
(2) Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc., U.S.A.
Supplier Poster
Analysis of beer using gas chromatography is often done for quality
control, refinement, research and other such purposes. For instance, gas
chromatography has been used to analyze alcohols, diacetyl, esters and
aldehydes in beer. In this work, we introduce low-cost, highly efficient
methods for the analysis of some types of beer using new cutting-edge
gas chromatography technologies.
Yusuke Takemori received an M.E. degree in material science from
Nara Institute of Science and Technology. He has been working for
Shimadzu Corporation in the Marketing Department. He has worked on the
marketing of gas chromatography and the food industry.