Jörg Engstle (1),
Petra Först (1), Michael Kuhn (1), Matthias Scheidtmann (1); (1) Chair
of Process Systems Engineering, Technische Universität München,
Weihenstephan, Germany
Technical Session 10: Dry Hopping
Monday, August 15 • 9:45–11:30 a.m.
Tower Building, Second Level, Grand Ballroom
Dry-hopping is of growing importance for breweries. The craft brewing
sector, as well as breweries with modern beer styles with emphasized
hoppy aroma, highly depend on this process. Nevertheless, losses of up
to 50% during classical dry-hopping are reported. Swelling behavior of
hop pellets is of considerable importance. Particle size distributions,
necessary contact time, possible mass transfer rate, and sedimentation
behavior of pellets during dry-hopping depend, among other things, on
pellet swelling. Pellet disintegration time, swelling capacity, and
swelling velocity are measured via image analysis and sedimentation
cylinder. Particle size distributions are determined with sieve analysis
and laser diffraction. Different hop varieties, pellet types, and
pellets of different aging are analyzed. Swelling behavior is of
importance for breweries, equipment manufacturers, and hop corporations.
Breweries can lower dry-hopping costs by choosing pellets by means of
swelling behavior. Equipment manufacturers and hop corporations can use
this data to develop special machines and hop products for dry-hopping.
Jörg studied brewing and beverage technology in Weihenstephan and
received his engineering degree in 2012. Currently he is working on his
doctoral thesis at the Chair of Process Systems Engineering in
Weihenstephan, Technical University of Munich. His field of research is
lautering. His main interests are spent-grain cake structure,
differential pressure in lautering and the effect of milieu conditions,
such as pH value and ionic strength, on the behavior of fine mash