Rudi F. Vogel (1), Jürgen Behr (1), Andreas Geißler (1); (1) Technische Universität München, Freising, Germany
Technical Session 5: Lactic Acid Bacteria
Sunday, August 14 • 2:00–3:15 p.m.
Plaza Building, Concourse Level, Governor’s Square 15
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are considered the most important and
hazardous spoilage microorganisms in breweries. Typically, one species
of LAB contains non-spoiling and also beer-spoiling strains. Their
ability to grow in beer is often connected to the presence of
plasmid-encoded lifestyle genes like horA or horC. These
hop tolerance genes not only contribute to improved growth and adaption
to beer, but also represent important species-independent diagnostic
marker genes (DMGs) for the identification of beer spoiling LAB.
However, previous genome sequencing projects with brewery-isolated LAB
have revealed the prevalence of high numbers of plasmids, while
consecutive experiments could demonstrate that plasmids lacking known
hop resistance genes also support LAB adaption to and growth in beer. We
sequenced 20 and analyzed the genomes of 22 strains with varying beer
spoilage ability, comprising the important beer spoiling species Lactobacillus brevis, L. lindneri, L. backii, L. paracollinoides, Pediococcus claussenii and P. damnosus.
The investigated genomes are characterized by up to 10 plasmids, and
comparative analysis revealed the presence of a shared, plasmid-encoded
genetic pool. Of 3,209 brewery plasmid-encoded genes, 589 were found to
be present in at least two genomes, while 59% of these genes were found
within two or more species. This is not only due to the presence of
identical plasmids (25%), but also a consequence of shared pieces of
homologous DNA integrated into different plasmids. Besides hop
tolerance, these genes encode various functions, including carbohydrate
metabolism, cell envelope modification or ion homeostasis. While some
genes were found to be restricted to one or two species, others are
spread within all six species, suggesting that these bacteria only
take/keep what they need to survive and grow in beer and do not
accumulate “brewery DNA” in an arbitrary way. As an example, we found a
plasmid-encoded complete fatty acid biosynthesis (FAS) cluster shared
exclusively by beer-spoiling strains of P. damnosus and L. backii, while both species lack a chromosomal FAS. In P. damnosus,
the ability to produce acetoin and butandiol from pyruvate is plasmid
mediated, leading to the subsequent formation of the known off-flavor
diacetyl. This is advantageous for their growth in beer, as it enables
the cell to avoid acid stress by formation of non-acidic end products
instead of lactate. Apparently, brewery LAB dig in the plasmid pool and
keep what they need, even in inter-species transfers. While the adopted
abilities contribute to their lifestyle in this habitat, they also allow
us the deduction of novel DMGs for the identification of beer-spoiling
strains. FabZ, part of the abovementioned FAS cluster, allows a 100%
correct discrimination of beer spoiling and non-spoiling strains of P. damnosus, which was validated for 20 characterized strains using PCR.
Rudi F. Vogel is a biochemist interested in food microbiology and
biotechnology. As head of Technische Mikrobiologie at the Technische
Universität München, Germany, he conducts research on starter culture
development, high pressure in food and biosciences, as well as control
of unwanted microbes in food. A clear focus is on lactic acid bacteria,
their metabolism and genetics, mechanisms of stress response and
adaptation, as well as interaction with other microbes. In this context
beer spoiling bacteria are a model for the study of bacterial stress
response, adaptation, and genome plasticity.