ASBC invites breweries and laboratories engaged in microbiological testing to participate in a ring test aimed at validating a universal method for the enrichment and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) detection of STA1, a critical indicator for diastatic yeast in brewing microbiology. The objective of this collaborative effort is to establish a robust and universally applicable method for the detection of STA1 across diverse brewery-relevant samples.
Participants in this ring test will receive identical kits of yeast samples with varying levels of known diastatic yeast contamination. The distributed method, incorporating specific enrichment steps and qPCR analysis, will be used to determine the presence above limits of detection for STA1. The blinded nature of the testing ensures unbiased and objective results. Data collected from participating laboratories will undergo analysis to assess the precision and accuracy of the proposed method.
By contributing to this ring test, participants play a crucial role in the validation process of a standardized method for diastatic yeast detection. Feedback on individual laboratory performance will be provided to enhance methodological consistency and reliability. The collaborative effort will ultimately benefit the brewing industry by ensuring consistent and accurate detection of diastatic yeast across various brewing processes.
We encourage laboratories with expertise in brewing microbiology and qPCR analysis to join this initiative, as your involvement will significantly contribute to the development of a reliable and universally accepted method for diastatic yeast detection in the brewing industry. Please contact
ASBC with your interest by June 30, 2024.