Honorary Life Membership

Honorary Life Membership may be conferred on ASBC members who are retired from full-time professional employment, and have had significant involvement in the affairs of the Society that rise to an extraordinary level.  Significant involvement is defined by a recognizable level of extraordinary service to, and impact on, the Society over a period of 20 years. Nominees for Honorary Life Membership shall be determined by the ASBC Board of Directors. ​​

​Charlie Bamforth
Brian Williams​
​2013 ​Dirk Bendiak and Kathy Kinton
​2012 ​Ayako Odaka
​2011 ​Dave Thomas
​2010 ​Lance Lusk
​2007 ​Mike Ingledew, Sherman Chan, David Hysert, Jim Munroe
​2003 ​Richard Pyler, Dave Diffor, Nona Mundy, John Grigsby
​2002 ​Peter Gales, Lydia Marinelli, Inge Russell
​2001 ​Anthony Cutaia
​1999 ​Norman Kendall
​1998 ​Michael Lewis, Michael Sfat, Richard Berndt
​1997 ​Arthur Rehberger
​1996 ​Alfred Haunold, Sam Likens, Phillip Israel, Lloyd Rigby
​1994 ​N. Margaret Morrison
​1993 ​Harald Weissler
​1990 ​Vincent Bavisotto
​1988 ​Paul Steinke
​1985 ​James McDougall
​1980 ​Ronald Latimer
​1969 ​J. Robert Piening
​1968 ​Robert Tenney
​1966 ​Dwight West