Display Title Eric Kneen Memorial Award and JASBC Review Paper Award
Page Content OverviewThe Eric Kneen Memorial Award and the
JASBC Review Paper Award are presented to author(s) with outstanding papers (original research paper and review paper) from the prior year in the
Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists (JASBC). Papers will only be considered once. The competition year for a paper is one year from the date that it is uploaded for online access to the readership.
Awards - One award for best original research paper (Eric Kneen Memorial Award)
- One award for best review paper (JASBC Review Paper Award)
- Engraved plaque and award honorarium is presented to the corresponding author and printed certificates to the co-authors
- The award need not be awarded every year if no articles fit the selection criteria
- In World Brewing Congress years, where there is no award ceremony, the awardee(s) will be recognized at the next convenient opportunity.
Selection CriteriaThe Selection Committee consists of a subgroup of the ASBC Editorial Board (2 members) and Technical Committee (2 members). ASBC staff manages the process with the assistance of the Journal Editor-in-Chief.
Criteria for the selection of “best” publication would include: - Publication metrics ('reads' and 'citations'): The one year period is from the date the paper is uploaded for online readership (in order to be fair when one is including views and citations as one of the selection critera since that is tied in with time available for reading and citing.
- Clarity of exposition
- Contribution to technical understanding
- Technical rigor
- Originality
- Overall industry relevance
JASBC Review Paper Award Recipients
Eric Kneen Award Recipients
Journal Year |
Awardee Author(s) | 2023
| The Sway of Specialty Malts and Mash pH on Iron Ion Speciation and the Reducing Power of Wort
| Thijs Van Mieghem, Filip Delvaux, Sven Dekleermaeker, Hedwig Neven, and Scott J. Britton
| Unfilterable Beer Haze Part I: The Investigation of an India Pale Ale Haze
| Margaux Huismann, Fraser Gormley, Dzeti Dzait, R. Alex Speers and Dawn Maskell
Part II: Identifying Suspect Cell Wall Proteins
| Margaux Huismann, Fraser Gormley, Dzeti Dzait, Nik Willoughby, Kelly Stewart, R. Alex Speers, and Dawn Maskell
| Variation in Sensory Attributes and Volatile Compounds in Beers Brewed from Genetically Distinct Malts: An Integrated Sensory and Non-Targeted Metabolomics Approach
| Harmonie M. Bettenhausen, Amanda Benson, Scott Fisk, Dustin Herb, Javier Hernandez,Juyun Lim, Sue H. Queisser, Thomas H. Shellhammer, Veronica Vega, Linxing Yao, Adam L. Heuberger, and Patrick M. Hayes
| Chance and Challenge: Non-Saccharomyces Yeasts in Nonalcoholic and Low Alcohol Beer Brewing – A Review
| Konstantin Bellut & Elke K. Arendt
| | Jeroen Baert, Jessika De Clippeleer, Paula Jaskula-Goiris, Gert De Rouck, Guido Aerts, Luc De Cooman |
| | Elke Arendt, Lorenzo Peyer, Martin Zarnkow, Fritz Jacob, David P. De Schutter |
2016 | | Andrew J. MacIntosh, Maria Josey, and R. Alex Speers |
2015 | | Christina Schmidt, Martin Biendl, Annika Lagemann, George Stettner, Christian Vogt, Andreas Dunkel, Thomas Hofmann |
2014 | | Tinne Dekoninck, Tom Mertens, Filip Delvaux, and Freddy Delvaux |
2013 | | Eric Johann Samp |
2012 | | Daan Saison, David De Schutter, Filip Delvaux, and Freddy Delvaux |
2011 | | Cynthia Edelen, Robert Foster, Eric Samp |
2010 | | Hidetoshi Kojima, Hirotaka Kaneda, Junji Watari, Yasuo Nakamura, and Teruhiko Hayashi |
2009 | | Evan Evans, Doug Stewart, M. Sheehy, L. H,. Robinson, and A. Surrel |
2008 | | David Ryder, Susan Kay, and Patrick Ting |
| | Paul Hughes |
2006 | | Mark Goldsmith, Peter Rogers, Ken Ghiggino, Nuno Miguel Cabral, and Felicity Roddick |
2005 | | Barry Axcell, Sandra van Nierop and Anna Cameron-Clarke |
| | Karl J. Siebert and Penelope Y. Lynn |
2003 | | Paul Sadosky, Paul Schwarz, and Richard Horsley |
2002 | | Robert T. Foster II, Eric J. Samp, and Hugo Patiño |
2001 | | M. Uchida and M. Ono |
2000 | | J. P. Maye, S. Mulqueen, S. Weis, J. Xu, and M. Priest |
| | K. J. Siebert and P. Y. Lynn |
1998 | | K. J. Siebert and P. Y. Lynn |
1997 | | M. Uchida, S. Suga, and M. Ono. |
1996 | | L. Lusk, H. Goldstein, and D. Ryder |
1995 | | H. Kaneda, N. Kobayashi, Y. Tsuchiya, M. Munekata, and S. Koshino |
1994 | | S. Gares, M. Whiting, M. Ingledew, and B. Ziola |
1993 | | I. McMurrough, R. Kelly, J. Byrne, and M. O’Brien |
1992 | | A. J. Irwin, R. L. Barker, and P. Pipasts |
1991 | | B. W. Drost, R. van den Berg, F. J. M. Freijee, E. G. van der Velde, and M. Hollemans |
| | B. J. Clarke, R. D. Jones, and T. E. Kavanagh