Evaluating the Sensory Attributes of Malt Using the ASBC Hot Steep Method​​

​Broadcast Date: July 26, 2017 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT

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​Webinar Summary

Traditional malt analysis methods were developed to predict how efficiently a malt will perform in the brewing process, and while these methods are essential to malt quality, they fail to tell us anything about the flavor or hue that a malt will contribute to wort. In order to discover these important malt characteristics, a sensory evaluation must be performed.

In August of 2016, the ASBC approved the Hot Steep Method, making it the first wort preparation method to be standardized for the sensory evaluation of extractable malt attributes. This rapid and affordable method allows all members of the supply chain to become unified in their approach to evaluating malt flavor; A practice that was previously not standardized, and largely influenced by resource limitations. Brewers, maltsters, barley breeders, and sensory professionals will all benefit from use of the ASBC Hot Steep method. With applications that range from Quality Control and Quality Assurance to Research and Development, this method is an asset to raw material sensory programs throughout the industry.

Calling all brewers, maltsters, barley breeders, and sensory professionals – this webinar is for you!

Webinar Agenda:

  • The ASBC Hot Steep Method: why it was developed and how it is performed
  • Applications of the ASBC Hot Steep Method: examples for brewers, maltsters, barley breeders, and sensory professionals
  • How to perform a malt sensory evaluation using the ASBC Hot Steep Method: recommended tasting conditions, supplies, and techniques, attributes to evaluate, and Lexicon

What attendees will take away:

  • ​The ASBC has approved a rapid and affordable wort preparation method, specifically developed to evaluate the extractable sensory attributes of malt.
  • Aside from brewing performance, the most important attribute of a malt is the hue and flavor it will contribute to wort. Neither are reported on a typical malt certificate of analysis and can only be understood from a sensory evaluation.

About the Presenter

Cassie Liscomb

Cassie Liscomb
Briess Malt and Ingredients Co.

Cassie Liscomb works in the Technical Services Department at Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. in Chilton, Wisconsin. In her current role, she is responsible for developing, enhancing, and managing the Briess Malt Sensory Program. Cassie began her career as a Chemist at MillerCoors in 2013, where she received sensory training and served as an Official Taster on the Milwaukee Corporate Taste Panel. She is an active member of the American Society of Brewing Chemists as well as the Craft Maltsters Guild, serving in roles that include Malt Sensory Ambassador, Chair of Malt Sensory Method Development, and ASBC Webinar Chair. ​​​​​​