Display Title First International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages
Page Content
September 12-14, 2007
Cork, Ireland
Copy compliments of the University College Cork, Ireland
Symposium in Review
Day 1 Sessions
Day 2 Sessions
Day 3 Sessions
Poster Presentations
Symposium in Review
Participants have clearly indicated that they regard the First International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages as a highly successful event. A total of 177 delegates from 25 countries enjoyed three days of presentations and research updates on almost all aspects of novel processing technologies and their application in food processing.
The symposium presented a unique opportunity for researchers working in the field of celiac disease, gluten-free foods,
and beverages to discuss specifically their findings, views, and
questions. The specific aim of the symposium was to facilitate medical aspects and technology transfer to sufferers and industry
by organizing an event at which modern medical diagnosis and treatment procedures, as well as technological applications, were clearly presented. The forum
also allowed for fruitful discussions and questioning. There was even a whole afternoon devoted to case studies of industrial applications of new technologies.
The success of
the First International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages
has led to discussions about hosting a second symposium in Finland in
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Main Sessions
Day 1
Session 1: Overview on coeliac Disease and Epidemiology
Chair: Prof. Fergus Shanahan, Department of Medicine, Cork University Hospital, University College Cork, Ireland
Prof. Carlo Catassi, University Department of Paediatrics, Ancona, Italy:
Epidemiology and natural history of coeliac disease
Prof. Chris Mulder, Department of Gastroenterology, University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Complicated
coeliac disease; diagnosis and management
Dr. Nicholas Kennedy, Department of Clinical Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland:
Nutritional requirements of coeliac patients
Session 2: Detection of Food Allergens and Safety of Gluten-Free Foods
Chair: Prof. Francesco Bonomi, Department of Agri-Food Molecular Sciences,
University of Milan, Italy
Hertha Deutsch, Austrian
coeliac Society and Association of European coeliac Societies (AOECS), Austria:
Gluten-free diet and food legislation
Dr. Bert Pöpping, Eurofins, Yorkshire, Pocklington, United Kingdom:
Challenges in detecting food allergens – analytical methods in the legal context
Dr. Sigrid Haas-Lauterbach, R-Biopharm, Darmstadt, Germany:
Detection of gluten and related proteins in foods and beverages and safety issues related to gluten-free foods and beverages – specific detection with the R5 antibody in a ready-to-use test kit for industry
Session 3: Gluten-Free Raw Materials, Plant Breeding
Chair: Dr. Peter Köhler, German Research Centre of Food Chemistry and Hans-Dieter-Belitz-Institute for Cereal Grain Research, Garching, Germany
Dr. Roland Poms, ICC - International Association for Cereal Science and Technology, Vienna, Austria:
MONIQA – s new EU-project towards the harmonization of analytical methods for monitoring food quality and safety in the food supply chain
Prof. Rob Hamer, Food Chemistry Department and TI Food and Nutrition University of Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands:
Overview on peptides causing coeliac disease and strategies for their elimination
Prof. Steve Taylor, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Nebraska, USA:
Gluten-free ingredients
Prof. Hannu Salovaara, Department of Food Technology University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland:
Oats - an overview from a coeliac point of view
Session 4: Invited Short Presentations (coeliac Disease, Nutrition, Food Allergens, Plant Breeding)
Chair: Prof. Herbert Buckenhueskes, DLG - German Agricultural Society, Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Luud Gilissen, Plant Research International, Wageningen, The Netherlands:
Breeding strategies for the development of coeliac-safe wheat
Dr. Anne Lee, Celiac Disease Centre, Columbia University New York,
Nutritional deficiency of the gluten-free diet – a reason to include alternative grains
Prof. Julie Jones, College of St. Catherine, St. Paul,
Alternative whole grains and fruit and dried fruit: Strategies for creating an antioxidant- and nutrient-rich gluten-free diet
Dr. Hilde Wijngaard, Ashtown Food Research Centre, Teagasc,
Dublin, Ireland: Antioxidants and the pseudo-cereals buckwheat,
amaranth and quinoa
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Day 2
Session 1: Health and Functional Foods
Chair: Prof. Kevin Cashman, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Prof. Kaisa Poutanen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Kuopio, Finland:
Dietary fiber in a gluten-free diet
Prof. Jan Delcour, Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium:
The use of enzymes in the production of functional food ingredients
Prof. Gerald Fitzgerald, Department of Microbiology, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland:
Probiotics and gut health
Session 2: Gluten-Free Cereal Products
Chair: Dr. Dennis Lonergan, General Mills, USA
Prof. Emmerich Berghofer, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria:
Overview of gluten-free (cereals and other) raw materials and their properties
Dr. Elke Arendt, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland:
Novel approaches in the design of gluten-free cereal products
Prof. Michael Gänzle, Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada:
Exploitation of the metabolic potential of lactic acid bacteria for improved quality of gluten-free bread
Session 3: Gluten-Free Beer and
Other Beverages
Chair: Prof. Rudi Vogel, Department of Technical Microbiology, Technical University of Munich, Freising, Germany
Prof. Charles Bamforth, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis, USA:
Brewing with gluten-free cereals – an overview
Dr. Beatus Schehl, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland:
Malting of gluten-free cereals
Dr. Stefan Kreisz, Department for Brewing and
Alcoholic Beverage, Novozymes, Bagsværd, Denmark:
Functional beverages based on gluten-free cereals
Session 4: Invited Short Presentations (Gluten-free
Products and Beverages)
Chair: Dr. Bill Atwell, Cargill, Inc., USA
Dr. Tilman Schober, USDA-ARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Centre, Manhattan, KS, USA: Physico-chemical aspects of leavened gluten-free breads
Dr. Eimear Gallagher, Ashtown Food Research Centre, Teagasc, Dublin, Ireland:
Dough rheology and baking characteristics of gluten-free breads
Stefano Renzetti, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland:
Transglutaminase - a way to improve quality of gluten-free bread
Andreas Houben, Department of Process Analysis and Cereal Technology, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany:
Enhancing the quality of gluten-free bread by fermented pseudo-cereals
Dr. Juan de Dios
Figueroa, Centre of Advanced Studies and Research of the National
Polytechnic Institute of Querétaro, Mexico: Gluten-free corn and
whole grain tortillas and their nutritional properties
Sirma Yegin, Food Engineering Department, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey:
Alternative ingredients to gluten for coeliac patients
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Day 3
Session 1: Short invited presentations (Gluten-Free Products and Beverages)
Chair: Prof. Felicidad Ronda, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Food Technology, University of Valladolid, Spain
Dr. Peter Köhler, German Research Centre of Food Chemistry and Hans-Dieter-Belitz-Institute for Cereal Grain Research, Garching, Germany:
Degradation of coeliac-active peptides by peptidases from germinating cereals
Prof. Francesco Bonomi, Department of Agri-Food Molecular Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy:
Assessing the structural features of proteins in gluten-free dough by an integration of solid state spectroscopies and proteomics
Dr. Ralph Thomann, IGV Institute for Cereal Processing Ltd, Germany:
Technology for gluten-free pasta
Prof. Stefania Iametti, Department of Agri-Food Molecular Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy:
Gluten related proteins and peptides in beers: a proteomics approach
Martin Zarnkow, Department of Brewing Technology, Technical University Munich, Germany:
Gluten-free beer from proso millet
Session 2: Marketing, Labelling, Consumer Perception of Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages
Chair: Michael Feeney, Enterprise Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Fiona Stevens,
coeliac Society of Ireland, National University of Galway, Galway, Ireland:
The role of the coeliac societies
Dr. Joe Bogue, Department of Food Business and Development, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland:
Strategic marketing of gluten-free cereal products and beverages
Session 3: Industrial Applications
Chair: Dr. Gerry Downey Ashtown Food Research Centre, Teagasc, Dublin,
Pirjo Alho-Lehto, Raisio Nutrition Ltd, Raisio, Finland:
Technology of pure oats
Dr. Ronan Gormley, Ashtown Food Research Centre, Teagasc, Dublin, Ireland:
Networking SMEs in functional foods
Dr. Bill Atwell, Cargill Inc.,USA:
Gluten-free gread – the problem
Dr. Markus Brandt, Ernst Böcker GmbH, Minden, Germany:
Performance of different sourdoughs in gluten-free "rye"-type breads
Jessica Rohwer, National Starch Food Innovation, Manchester, England:
The role of commercially available resistant starch in everyday foods such as bread as a source of fibre for the
coeliac community
Diane Wright-Hoffpauer, Light Heart LLC, Crowley, Louisiana USA:
Product development with rice bran for the coeliac sprue diet
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Poster Presentations
Alvarez L.: Pseudocereals in gluten-free breads
Aramouni F.: Physical and sensory analysis of a
gluten-free waffle
Benatallah L.: Algeria traditional manufacturing of
gluten-free couscous: technological feasibility of three elaborated formulae with rice supplemented with leguminous
Benatallah L.: The celiac disease in the Algerian
east: Prevalence and food wished by the patients
Blanco C.: Evaluation of the partition coefficient of hydrophobic cleavage sites in gliadin-analogue proteins
Blanco C.: Allergy after inhalation and ingestion of cereals involves similar allergens at different ages
Bottega G.: Characterization of
gluten-free dough enriched by vegetable proteins
Bulgaru V.: Soryz starch - a novel ingredient from a
gluten-free source
Caballero O.: Sponge cakes elaborated with chickpea flours

Cosciug L.: Soryz flour-based
gluten-free pastries
Diowksz A.: Dietary fiber in
gluten-free bread recipe
Diowksz A.: Modifications of allergenicity of wheat flour
Dupouy E.: Particularities of
Sorghum oryzoidum grains germination
Duta D.: Applied researches concerning the fortified
gluten-free cereal-based product design
Fontana C.: The effects of enzymes on the staling rate on
gluten-free breads
Gallagher E.: Mathematical design in the development of
gluten-free yeast breads
Gilissen L.: Identification of gluten proteins containing immuno-toxic peptides in 36 hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties
Hoffmann K.: Analysis of gluten peptides in human
ileostomy contents
Huebner F.: Fundamental studies on the malting of oats
Huebner F.: Response surface
methodology as a tool to optimize the malting of buckwheat
Huettner E.: Fundamental studies on the high pressure treatment of oat flour
Ibanoglu S.: Effect of extrusion process on the physical and nutritional properties of a
gluten-free snack
Kanerva P.: Rye prolamin hydrolysis in aqueous rye suspension; traditional Finnish maemmi process
Kiskini A.: Iron fortified gluten and glutenfree bakery products: The role of iron compound used on their quality characteristics
Kiskini A.: Optimization of amaranth-based
gluten-free bread formula
Klose C.: Understanding protein changes during malting of oats
Mandala L.: The effect of freezing and microwave heating on shelf-life of
gluten-free and classic breads
Marongiu A.: Effects of bread leavened with sourdough on postprandial glucose and insulin levels in patients with impaired glucose tolerance
Mena M.: Development of the first Spanish beer based on barley malt suitable for celiac: Estrella Damm, Apta Para Celiacos (APC)
Mezaize S.: Effect of
gluten-free formulations prepared from rice, corn and soy flour on batter properties and bread quality
Moore M.: Effect of lactic acid bacteria on the properties of
gluten-free sourdoughs, batters and the quality and ultrastructure of
gluten-free bread
Moore M.: Assessment of the suitability of a range of
gluten-free cereals for their potential use in gluten-free bread
Moore M.: Shelf-life improvement of gluten-free bread with LAB producing antifungal compounds
Murphy P.: Isolation and characterization of extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) producing lactobacilli for application in
gluten-free foods
Nic Phiarais B.: Understanding protein changes during the malting of buckwheat
Niemann, C.: Development of extremely protein-limited gluten-free pastries
Nunes H.: Fundamental studies on the impact of emulsifiers and dough improvers on
gluten-free bread quality
Nunes H.: Impact of low lactose dairy powders on the quality of gluten-free bread
Oezer A.: coeliac disease,
gluten-free diet and new approaches for fortified gluten-free foods
Papageorgiou M.: The case of carob (Ceratonia siliqua) use for developing
gluten-free products - its influence on gluten-free dough characteristics
Purhagen J.: Gluten-free bread with time, temperature and pressure treated flour and emulsifier as additives
Renzetti S.: Cereal proteomics:
interactions of transglutaminase and brown rice proteins

Reungmaneepaitoon S.: Development of rice pasta products from high-iron rice fortified with defatted soy flour
Ronda F.: Influence of starch and protein sources on the rheological properties of bread doughs
Ronda F.: Yellow layer cakes of high quality suitable for
coeliac disease people
Sabanis D.: Use of raisin juice to improve the baking and textural properties of
gluten-free bread
Schwab C.: Formation of fructooligosaccharides and levan in sourdoughs prepared from
gluten-free flours
Sekwati-Monang B.: Microbiological characterization of Ting, a
sorghum-based gluten-free fermented cereal from Botswana
Selinheimo E.: Cereal originating proline-specific peptidase as a tool to improve the quality of cereal products for people with
coeliac disease
Selinheimo E.: Enzymatic processing as a tool to improve the quality of cereal products for people with
coeliac disease
Shalaby A.: Effect of some additives on bread
Stathopoulos C.: Optimising the rheological properties of calcium-caseinate for replacement of gluten in bread
Trongpanich K.: Development of
Rejuvenating Concoction beverage and technology transfer
Turabi E.: Gluten-free rice cakes formulated with different gum types and an emulsifier blend
Uhlen A.: Screening for T-cell stimulatory gluten peptides in durum wheat (Triticum durum L.):
implications for coeliac disease
Zarnkow M.: The Use of Response Surface Methodology to optimize malting conditions of two black rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) as a raw material for
gluten-free foods
Zarnkow M.: The use of response
surface methodology to optimize malting conditions of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa L.) as a raw material for
gluten-free foods
Zarnkow M.: The use of response
surface methodology to optimize malting conditions of tef (Eragrostis tef L.) as a raw material for
gluten-free foods
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