banner 46. Components in black malt impacting beer foam

M. KANAUCHI (1), C. W. Bamforth (2); (1) Miyagi University, Sendai Miyagi, Japan; (2) University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, U.S.A.

Poster Presentation

Myriad factors impact the stability of beer foam. Substances can be classified into two categories: foam-positive and foam-negative. It was originally proposed by Bishop that intense heating of malt leads to the production of materials that are especially foam-positive, perhaps due to the cross-linking of polypeptides and polysaccharides. Small scale mashing was carried out with roasted barley and black malt and the foaming properties of materials extracted in the wort investigated. Mashing in the presence of added amylase appears to have a significant impact on the foaming properties of extracts of roasted barley, although not black malt. Generally the foaming performance of extracts of black malt is superior to that from roasted barley, but not if amylases are included in the extraction of the latter. The paper will report studies on the isolation and characteristics of the foam-active materials from these preparations.

Makoto Kanauchi graduated from the Tokyo University of Agriculture in Tokyo, Japan, in 1996 and received a Ph.D. degree in bio-regulation control from that university in 1999. He worked in Charles Bamforth’s Laboratory in the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California at Davis, from 1999 to 2003. Subsequently, he was employed at the Institute of Food Science, Fuji Oil Co. Ltd., in Moriya, Ibaraki, Japan, as a researcher from 2003 to 2005. Since 2005, he has been at the Department of Food Management, Miyagi University.