A-46: Oscillating conditions in yeast fermentation: Multiposition sensors and improved sampling for process optimization

J. BIERING (1), A. Bockisch (2), R. Folz (1), R. Pahl (1), S. Junne (2), P. Neubauer (2); (1) VLB-Berlin, Berlin, Germany; (2) TU-Berlin, Berlin, Germany


Mixing in fermentation processes is only supported through convection, driven by rising bubbles of carbon dioxide and temperature gradients. Hence, the occurrence of gradients in large-scale processes is likely and has been described by various authors (Nienow, A. W. Biotechnol. J., 2011; Schuch, C., Brauwelt, 1996). The distribution of oxygen, CO2, temperature, and cell density is uneven (Annemüller, G., and Manger, H. J. VLB Berlin; Schuch, C., Brauwelt, 1996; Schuch, C., Brauwelt, 1996). This can influence the formation of gradients concerning other parameters (e.g., redox potential, pH), as well as the formation and degradation of metabolites. Off-line samples taken or data from at-line monitoring devices installed at one point on the tank wall are not representative of the whole process since different positions are not regarded. In order to increase the understanding of gradients, their impact on a process, and their importance for process design, miniaturized multiposition sensors and a device for the submersion of commercial sensors have been developed for in-line and real-time monitoring. Further studies on cell metabolism, morphology, and physiology have been performed in order to allow an improved understanding of the impact of oscillating conditions on the cell. A sampling system for the collection of samples at any point in large-scale tanks for off-line analysis will be developed. In brewing processes with a volume over 1,000 L, gradients concerning redox potential, temperature, and pH can be estimated, especially in the onset of fermentation. In processes of smaller volume (200 L), differences concerning cell physiology and concentration of metabolites can be observed between different heights since sampling at different ports in the tank is possible. The correlation of the in-line and off-line data provided information about the impact of several parameters and their gradients on cells and the whole process, leading to an improved process control. A submersible system for large-scale fermenters in order to measure different parameters at the same time and locally independent does not exist yet. With the developed miniaturized system, multiposition and multiparameter measurements can be performed, providing in-line data that can be visualized in real time. At the moment, at-line monitoring of a brewing process that takes place only at one position on the tank wall does not provide sufficient process control. The identification of critical reactor zones and their investigation by in-line monitoring will allow fast detection of disturbances, while targets for process optimization can be identified. Hence, processes can be improved concerning time, energy efficiency, and costs.

Jan Biering was born in 1976. From 1995 to 1997 Jan apprenticed as a brewer and maltster at Reichelbräu Kulmbach. From 1997 to 2003 Jan studied brewing technology at the TU-Berlin. From 2003 to 2011 Jan was brewmaster and plant manager at Schlossbrauerei Schwarzbach. Since 2012 Jan has worked at VLB Berlin.

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